Infrastructure upgrade and application refreshing
Infrastructure re-build and application migration to the new Sharepoint 2019.
Consulting, Project Management, Development, Cloud
Audit and assurance, consulting and tax services
Creation of an innovative infrastructure that can host applications migrated to Sharepoint 2019.
Redundant infrastructure with large performance margins
Rationalisation and alignment of environments
Analysis and evaluation of applications
Developments based on the most advanced frameworks
Substantial improvement of the user experience.
Substantial increase in infrastructure efficiency
Upgrading of applications with the latest technologies
Reduced waiting times in applications
First Step
Cost-benefit analysis of the infrastructure to migrate the applications onto: qualitative/quantitative evaluation of the different possible solutions, which is required to define the target structure of the applications.
Second Step
Dimensionamento, creazione e configurazione dell’infrastruttura Sharepoint 2019 OnPremise su Azure: il secondo step ci vede impegnati al fianco dei tecnici del cliente ad approntare i 4 ambienti necessari sulla nuova infrastruttura. La configurazione prevede anche la progettazione e la configurazione dell’SQL High Availability Group.
Third Step
Infrastructure sizing, creation and configuration Sharepoint 2019 On-Premise on Azure: the second Step sees us engaged alongside the client's technicians to prepare the four necessary environments on the new infrastructure. The configuration also includes designing and configuring the SQL High Availability Group.